COVID-19 ~ Coronavirus
COVID-19 has had a significant impact on all of us, and will continue to affect us all for weeks to come. In order to ensure the health and safety of our staff and our clients, we have implemented strategies to prevent the spread of Coronavirus while caring for your horse.
Here’s what we are asking of our clients:
If any persons in your household, on the farm, or at the barn have been exposed to a person with symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, shortness of breath, or fever) or if anyone is showing symptoms of or has had COVID-19, please let us know BEFORE your appointment.
For everyone’s safety, we are asking that no one be present for the appointment but that you be available by phone. If you would prefer to reschedule your appointment for a later date so you can be there, we would be happy to accommodate that request.
If the your presence is absolutely necessary, we require that you remain in your home or vehicle unless otherwise requested by staff, at which point we must all maintain at least a 6 foot distance from each other.
Please have your horse(s) in their stall or small paddock for the appointment.
When scheduling, the office will have asked to arrange credit card payment prior to appointment to limit handling of cards, cash or checks. Your card will be run after the doctor calls you with the invoice total.
Please read and enforce the AAEP’s biosecurity recommendations “Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 in Equestrian Facilities”
What will happen at a Farm Call appointment?
The Doctor will call you prior to or at the start of the scheduled appointment time to review your horse’s history, any current concerns, and the work to be done.
The Assistant will handle and restrain the horse.
During the visit, the Doctor and Assistant will frequently wash hands, wear gloves and masks, use equipment that has been disinfected prior to the appointment, and will disinfect any items left for treatment of the horse (e.g. medications) that can be done so safely.
The Doctor will perform the initial exam and call you with their findings and recommendations.
Additional services will be provided per conversation(s) between the Doctor and you.
The Doctor will call you at the conclusion of the visit with a final report and the invoice total.
The Doctor will email medical record and treatment instructions the same day if required, or the Office will email the day following.
The Office will email invoice the day following the appointment and will process card payment.
What will happen at an In-Clinic appointment?
You should call the office when you arrive.
You will then be asked to unload your horse(s) and either tie them to the trailer or place them in the round pen, and then you should return to your vehicle for the duration of the appointment. You are not allowed in the clinic area or in the reception area.
The Doctor will communicate with you throughout the appointment either by phone or through an open window of your vehicle while maintaining a safe distance.
The Assistant will handle and restrain the horse for exam and treatment.
During the visit, the Doctor and Assistant will frequently wash hands, wear gloves and masks, use equipment that has been disinfected prior to the appointment, and will disinfect any items left for treatment of your horse (e.g. medications) that can be done so safely.
At the conclusion of the appointment, the Assistant will place your horse in the round pen or tied to the trailer, after which you may exit their vehicle and load your horse into the trailer when they are ready to travel home.
The Doctor will email medical record and treatment instructions the same day if required, or the Office will email the day following.
The Office will email invoice the day following the appointment and will process card payment.
Here's what we are doing:
Our practice has instituted a written COVID-19 protocol that all team members will follow, outlining our PPE, physical distancing, hand washing, and facility and equipment disinfection requirements. Some protocol specifics include:
Each of our staff is provided with Personal Protective Equipment (gloves and masks, either N-95 or cloth depending on availability).
We use disinfectants recommended by the CDC, including Rescue™, diluted bleach, and alcohol.
Frequent hand washing or use of hand sanitizing wipes or gel at and between appointments
Regular cleaning and disinfecting of our facility and equipment
Disinfecting medical equipment between appointments
Wearing disposable gloves when handling your horse’s halter, lead rope, etc.
Wearing face masks when interacting with any other person
Physical/Social Distancing
Reducing the number of people present at appointments
Maintaining a minimum of 6 feet of physical distance when possible
Minimizing handling of items, such as credit cards and pens
Arranging shipment of medications to client’s home
Offering self-serve appointments
Practicing physical/social distancing in our personal lives to reduce our risk of infection
If any of our staff are feeling unwell, they will be staying home until symptoms resolve.
If a client is feeling unwell, has had symptoms or exposure, we ask that they please notify us so we can determine the steps to take to protect our employees.
Isn’t this a bit overcautious?
We hope so! For the safety of our team and you and your family, we would much rather be safe than sorry. We know that keeping up on regular, routine care of our equine patients is incredibly important, and so we would like to be able to get back to that as soon as possible. If that means we have to go a bit overboard to do our part, than that is what we’ll do!