X-ray capability is a necessity for diagnosing many medical problems, but mostly musculoskeletal lameness. It puts a picture and a degree of severity to navicular disease, laminitis and chip fractures or OCD lesions in joints, to name a few. Tacoma Equine Hospital is proud to offer the latest in this technology. We have two systems, a Sound NEXT Equine DR and a MyRad Equine DR. Both systems are highly portable but still powerful enough to x-ray the head, neck, portions of the back, and legs of all horses and the lungs and the abdomen of smaller horses.
The benefits of digital radiology are many, including superior imaging quality to enhance diagnostic ability and instant results to speed treatments and shorten recovery times. The digital aspect of this system allows us to modify, magnify and manipulate the image for more comprehensive evaluation. Images are stored in Asteris, a cloud-based storage program, allowing for easy viewing and sharing of exams.

Digital ultrasound allows us to noninvasively diagnose soft tissue injuries involved in lameness problems (tendon, ligaments, bursas) as well as to visualize the soft tissues of the heart, lungs, abdomen, reproductive tract, eye or soft tissue swellings of the skin.
Tacoma Equine is equipped with two high quality ultrasound machines. With multiple ultrasound probes, our GE LOGIQ e Vet NextGen and Siemens Acuson P300 systems have excellent imaging capabilities used to evaluate the musculoskeletal system and internal organs. Both systems are fully digital and the images can be easily sent to the owner or referring veterinarian.
For reproductive ultrasounds we utilize the GE LOGIQ, which allows for excellent visualization of the mare's reproductive tract and detecting pregnancy either rectally or via the abdomen. We also have an Aloka 500-V, which has proven itself the workhorse in the breeding barn.

Utilizing a gastroscope, we are able to definitively diagnose equine gastric ulcers and explore the esophagus, stomach and first section of the small intestine to identify any other issues, such as cancer and delayed gastric emptying.
Our 3.5 meter video gastroscope allows us to examine even the biggest of horses and view the exam on a large monitor so that the owner can watch as well. We are able to record the entire exam as well as take still images to refer back to during recheck appointments or to share images with referring veterinarians.

Evaluation of the horse’s respiratory tract is easily and beautifully visualized using an endoscope. This simple, talented tool is a long thin camera that is passed up the horses nose, into the throat and down in to the lungs. This technology is used to help us diagnose and culture diseases like sinus and gutteral pouch infections, pneumonia, nasal tumors or infection, and visualize anatomical and functional diseases of the throat. The image quality of our 1 Meter Sony endoscope is second to none. The endoscope can also be used in special situations involving the uterus of the mare when cysts need to be visualized and removed.