Pre-Purchase Exams
Whether you are looking for a horse to use for trail, pleasure, competition or breeding, it is important to have a prospect thoroughly examined to determine if they will best fit your needs. A pre-purchase exam will provide you with the information needed to determine whether the horse is right for you.
All exams include a full physical exam from head to tail, a conformation study, and an exhaustive soundness evaluation. Since each exam will be custom-tailored to the prospective use of the horse, they may also include x-rays, ultrasound, endoscopic evaluation, drug testing, and/or a reproductive exam.
Once the pre-purchase exam is complete, the doctor will be able to present you with information regarding existing conditions and the horse’s current state of health. They will not pass or fail the horse but provide you with information so that you can be more educated in your decision. Although the veterinary exam is only part of the decision to buy or not to buy a horse, investing in a pre-purchase exam can help you find a healthy horse that will be able to meet your needs!