Elective Surgery
Whether on the farm or at the hospital, Tacoma Equine can perform routine, elective surgeries on your horse. On the farm, surgery is usually performed under standing sedation or general, short-acting anesthesia. Our clinic is equipped with a surgical and recovery suite that allows us to perform surgeries under general gas anesthesia. We use the latest, safest gas anesthesia modality: Sevoflourane. It provides surgical depth of anesthesia on a lighter plane, thereby making it the safest of all gas anesthesia. Tacoma Equine also utilizes a state-of-the-art ECG (Heart) & Blood Pressure Monitor to track our patients during surgery. To learn more about our facilities & equipment and available surgeries, please contact our office.
Elective surgeries include but are not limited to:
On the Farm
Laceration Repair
Joint Lavage
Regional Limb Perfusion
Tumor Removal
At the Hospital
Cryptorchid Castration
Eye Tattooing
Hernia Repair – Umbilical & Inguinal
Periosteal Stripping
Sequestrum Removal
Street Nail Procedure